Black Rasta support Sonnie Badu; lists six consequences of eating pork

Black Rasta

 Following Sonnie Badu’s claims that eating pork easily exposes one to demonic attacks, popular Broadcaster cum musician, Blakk Rasta, has also provided a tall list of hazards that pork could cause to one’s health.

Earlier in an address to his congregants, Sonnie Badu said:

“When the devil wants to get through to you, they must first test your spiritual appetite. The number one way through which witches invade bodies is food. Also, the Bible declares that some animals are unclean. What do you think an unclean animal is? In order words, when that unclean animal is found in you spiritually, it gives the witch quick access to jump in.

“Anything that has pork, pork is unclean! Even when you go to the Chinese restaurant and they ask for your order and you say pork, they keep asking you just to be sure, because they are aware of the kind of animal you are requesting to have.”

Rev. Sonnie Badu’s assertions have since sparked a heated debate among netizens, with the majority, disputing the notion.

Notable of individuals who have shot down the claim is popular broadcaster, Kwame Sefa Kayi, who stated during the Peace FM ‘Kokrooko’ morning show that,

“On the flip side, it has been reported that Sonnie Badu says those who eat pork will have demons attacking them at midnight. I don’t know if he actually said it. Sonnie Badu, wherever you are, it is being reported that you claim demons will possess those of us who eat pork. If that’s the case, I must be full of it,” Sefa Kayi said.

But after chancing on all these, Blakk Rasta has seconded to the assertion that pork is indeed detrimental to humans.

“I don’t know about pork filled with demons. The only time I saw pigs and demons cast into them was in the days of Jesus Christ where they all got drowned. But I know there are bigger demons in pork than what Sonnie Badu is talking about. Why should anyone be happy about eating pork? This is an animal that has all the abominable diseases.

"It is an animal that is a homosexual. It is an animal that has no respect. And this is your best meat? Listen! Pork has a certain kind of worm that does not die easily. Not even after 100 degrees Celsius of heating. It is called Taenia solium. I remember this from my days of doing general science. Pork has a certain formidable and robust worm that does not easily die.

“Pork has one of the highest levels of cholesterol. Pork is not healthy. 99.99% of all those getting heart attacks are from those eating pork. Be careful. Be very careful. I do not know about any demons but I know that if you love your life, you won’t eat animals. This is a very serious truth. By now some people are insulting me. Muslims will be clapping in one corner. Some others will stand somewhere and say I am high on wee. Continue eating the pork and when you are dying in the hospital I will come and shake your hand and urge you to die quickly," Blakk Rasta noted.

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